October 20, 2007

  • astounded and confused

    i’m still unsure exactly what happened. it ended, heroically, like this: my wife confronting a large man, suggesting that this large man put into practice a different system for the reading of his newspapers while traveling on a plane. it was awesome.

    here’s how it began, at least from my perspective. i awake to laughing. wait, i should backup. we had arrived at the airport at 5am yesterday morning. ok, now there is context. so, i awake to laughing. i try to open my eyes. i don’t see anything. i remember that i had pulled my cap down to sleep. i push my cap up. my wife toni is talking to a lady across the aisle from her, one row up. they are laughing and pointing at this lady’s feet. or, more precisely, the items that are taking up the space that this lady’s feet should be occupying. i ask, “what’s going on?” toni responds, “would you look at this? [!] this guy walked on the plane with the largest stack of newspapers i’ve ever seen [!] and then starts reading them and shoving them under HIS seat. not the seat in front of him where HIS feet go, but under his seat where HER feet go. [!!!] this has been going on the whole flight. she [assumedly the lady whom toni has been addressing] asked him if he reads papers from around the world or just the contiguous united states and he replied, ‘oh, i read everything,’ with a snooty smirk.” i lean over so i can see.


    i am astounded and confused. i pull my hat back down. the distant rustle of paper and toni’s discourse concerning inconsiderate people and the associated pet peeves they provoke continues until the wheels hit the ground in san diego.

    pet peeve: people on airplanes oblivious to other passengers.
    random pet peeves?

Comments (89)

  • Oh wow… that’s a lot of newspapers!  He still has a huge stack on his tray!  Is he a speed reader?  I couldn’t get through that many newspapers (on the floor) if I read non-stop on a 13 hour flight, lol.  Well… maybe on that long of a trip, lol.

    One of my random pet peeves is the sound of people eating through their nose.  Most people don’t make it, but it bothers me.  Also, people who say “just” in their prayers every other sentence.  “I just want to pray for this.  I just want to pray for that”  You can only “just pray for” something once!  lol.

    God bless,

  • i’m the first to comment?  must be the time zone difference.
    per this post – oh my word…
    the picture is a more exaggerated version of what i had in my head.

    random pet peeve – magpies attacking the backs of people’s heads.

  • i guess i took too long to reply, negating my 1st 2 lines in my comment above.  haha!

  • oh!!!!!!  and i agree with the guy who commented ahead of me…  i don’t like the sound of people eating when it’s quiet, especially mushy items.  grosses me out for some reason, always has.

  • dave the “contiguous united states” line sounds strangely familiar=]

    my pet peeve is seeing pictures taken in the year two thousand and seven that look like they were taken in october of 1983!! no less.

  • that cat is out of control by the way. how many newspapers can one man read?

    btw, flash photography on an airplane? that takes gall.

  • can you imagine how much more difficult that picture would have been to capture had your paper-reading friend been two rows behind you and not in front?!  (this is my pet peeve… when people feel the need to ! after they ?) 

    My real life pet peeve is people not picking up dog poop.  I am a caring citizen (with a HUGE dog) and I can pick up her poop, so why can’t they pick up the pug poop?

    Man, I am all kinds of fired up now! 

  • did this bulk count as one carry-on item?

  • Wow that is bad..  One of my biggest pet peeves is when people drive slow and I’m late for work.  Then again I’ve had 2 tickets this year so maybe they’re just driving the speed limit

  • Pet Peeve:  When people use an apostrophe incorrectly.

    Example:  At a resturant, on the “Special of the day” board, something like this–Today’s Special Taco’s.  What do the tacos own anyway?

    Also when you can hear someone (husband) take a drink from down the hall and around the corner. 

  • By the way, uhm, what was the flight crew doing during all this?

  • whoa. thats a lot of newspaper.  probably cold have made hats for everyone on the plane.
    d:- )

  • That’s horrid!

    Pet Peeves:
    1. Guys who don’t hold the doors open for the ladies. This seems to be a growing trend. Texas men seem to be the best at it. And especially if they’re over 30.
    2. Banal and insipid conversations of women who can discuss nothing more than shopping, celebrities and other fluffy thing.
    3. Inconsiderate people in general. – Most particularly, bad drivers on Houston freeways. :)

  • wow. what a guy. Is that a K-State football player on the cover of the top paper?

    As for pet peeves…I’d have to say the squeaky/shaky wheel on the shopping cart. *squeek! squeek! squeek! dutdutudtudtudut squeek! squeek! squeek! dutdutudtudtudut squeek! squeek! squeek! dutdutudtudtudut*

    It’s enough to drive a guy crazy. Especially in a really quiet store. I think pet peeves help us appreciate the things we take for granted, though, in an odd way.

    Anyways, I can’t wait to see you guys in Manhattan next Thursday! Safe (and annoyance free) travels!

  • whoa that’s a lot of papers…i wonder if he reads every line or if he just reads the comics or something…my pet peeve is when people talk during movies and when tall people stand in front of me at church -_-

  • oh wow! that is SO much newspaper….imagine, you can bring all that, but eye drops have to go in a ziplock bag

  • wow… that is a lot of newspaper..
    that’s a pretty big pet peeve of mine too: other passengers being oblivious to others.

  • my biggest pet peeve is people who dont promptly clean up coffee when they spill it on the countertop.  A couple minutes there and it leaves a pesky little stain.


  • …Amazing…  I mean… it’s one thing to be oblivious to other passengers, but oblivious with more newspapers than most human beings read in a month? Hm…

    My major pet peeve is the media being sensationalist and/or alarmist.

  • One of my pet peeves: Using words incorrectly in a sentence just because it sounds good in the sentence, while not even knowing the actual deffinition of the word.

    One of my wife’s pet peeves: Getting corrected after using a word incorrectly in a sentence.

    …..I’ve learned to just ignore some pet peeves.

  • i hate public transportation

  • wow, thats obnoxious. I’ve never seen or heard of anyone doing anything like that.

  • all I have to say is I hope he recycles, but considering how apathetic he is towards other people, I can only imagine how he feels about the environment!

  • Those seats do not look comfortable.

  • I hate it when people go to the grocery store and leave their carts in the parking space next to them.  I pull into a spot, only to find there’s not enough room for my car because someone was too lazy to take their cart back.

  • HAHAHA! I actually laughed loudly enough upon seeing the picture that my husband, in the next room, asked me what was so funny. I told him he should just look for himself. Wow. This world is full of strange things.

  • I agree with the guy a couple spots above me – people who don’t bring their carts to the cart corrals… Sometimes I put away the carts if I’m not in a hurry. Right now I have a paper up in my dorm hall bathroom stall asking people about their pet peeves. I’ll update you when I get some more responses. I think one person doesn’t like feet – and when people put their feet on her bed… :/

  • crazzzzzy man.

  • My pet peeve: when a band won’t do an encore!  (jk, I still <3 u guys)

  • Pet peeve:  Slothfulness in the form of refusal to actuate the lever which activates the indicators whose purpose is to inform other operators of motor vehicles the general direction in which current operator intends to travel.  I also dislike verbose, run-on sentences.  But seriously: is it that difficult to use your turn signal?(!)

  • Man, that kind of stuff makes me laugh… I mean, really… our loud… on the plane… or where ever… right on front of them… it’s like watching an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies LIVE!


  • pet peeve: songs that have a fade out… i feel like they never resolve!  Like my roommates turned down the volume slowly, or the passenger in my car just decides that they don’t want to listen to it anymore and slowly turns it down so that I won’t notice… Where does the song go??

  • okay one more… being short(er than most people) and feeling like Matilda did in that one scene of the movie where she’s crossing the street… yep.

  • that poor, poor lady.

  • That’s hilarious! The simple fact that you took a picture of all those papers makes my day.

  • Pet peeves are my pet peeve.

  • wow… Now I’m curious how he managed to get off the plane with those. Did he hold everyone up while he tried to get it back together?  And I can’t see flight attendants being to happy about the time they are supposed to land.  I can hear it now… “Sorry, sir, but we can’t land the plane until you pick all of those up and put them under the seat” while agitated passengers look on!

    I’d have to put people who are oblivious to others on my pet peeves list as well, but really my pet peeves are tailgating (especially if done by huge semis) and being patronized.  I really hate being patronized with a passion.  I also don’t like to be made to feel stupid… even when I am. LOL


  • The only pet peeve I realy have is people spelling my name win an i instead of an e KristEn not Kristin. Oh also people chewing in my ear gum of food.

  • Mine is people driving with their high-beams on….I’ve found young asian people or the retiring-age or old people do this the most…..why?! why do people do this?

    Do they simply not know that their high-beams are on? (I think a lot of people fall in this category) Why….

  • yeah…that would definitely irk me.

  • My random pet peeve:

    People who bring large bags on airplanes as their carry-on baggage.  The last time I flew was on a fully booked flight  from Atlanta to Dallas.  I was in the window seat and she was in the middle.  Her bag was so large that it would not fit under the seat and took up 1/4 of the space I had for my feet.  Needless to say, I am now a fan of the aisle seat. 

  • woah.  there’s so much newspaper, you’d think it’s a cat litter box or something

  • Pet Peeve: People who dress up/pose their cats, take pictures of them, then post them on the internet.

    Guilt Pleasure: See above.

    I am a conflicted man.

  • You did a great job in San Diego.
    And who reads the newspaper anyway? 
    Go Internet!

    The Goat

  • wow it is sometimes astounds me how inconsiderate some people are.  people are sometimes oblivious to their surroundings only concentrating on their wants.

  • oh and the san diego show was a lot of fun.  hopefully your bus situation will be better for the next venues.  

  • Hair in public showers…


  • Pet Peeve: ‘Lateness’

    … I saw the Poster i gave you guys on You tube ‘ remedy L.A.’ Jack said its in the Tour Bus…. maybe you could use the poster as a visual when you talk about your cd???


  • haha that’s funny.

  • Haha. I bet he’s just reading the comics.

  • that guy is obviously not very environmentally aware.  that’s like 2 full oak trees under his seat.

  • people who scrape their teeth across the fork as they pull the eating utensil out of their mouth. it’s like i can feel aluminum in my own mouth.

    continental breakfast? more like INcontinental bleah-fast!

  • your wife is just plain cool. good for her for saying something to him. thanks for coming to seattle, we had such a good time. the music was just great and worshiping God with so many others makes it all that more fantastic. i’m sad though, i was hoping to meet you afterwards. oh, nothing earth shaking to say to you, just to give you a hug and say thanks for being so God focused. and, thanks for making being a Christian both serious business and fun as well. so who are these special people that have passes to meet you? i was asked to leave the auditorium because i didn’t have one. i was just so sad. maybe i should have waited in the lobby longer? oh well, maybe next time you come to seattle i’ll get it right. have fun on the rest of your tour it was just awesome seeing you perform again.

  • pet peeve:  people that suck/slurp jello when they eat it.

  • What a stellar way to awaken from your slumber

  • Whoa, I wonder if he actually retains that info he’s cramming into his head.

    We took a random road trip yesterday to Waco to the Dr Pepper Museum to get some, well, Dr Pepper.  ‘Cause straight outta the fountain is THE BEST.  Mmm.  The end.

  • pet peeve: when people don’t finish their sentences

  • People!
    Pet Peeve – too many or too few to list – not really sure.  Where do you draw the line at “pet”?  I don’t feel like I harbor pet peeves, though.

    David – is your concert tonight at the Big Easy starting at 7:00 PM MST or 6:00 PM MST? The tickets say the doors open at 5:00 PM and the show starts at 6:00 PM, but your website w/ concert dates says 6:00PM/7:00PM.  Will you be late, or are those “central” time?  Well, we’ll be waiting for ya’!
    God bless you from the Boise area.

  • that is amazing!!  Random Pet Peeve:  I strongly dislike when I spend hours doing homework the night before class, then have my classmates come in the next morning and ask me if there was homework.  when I respond, “yes…” and tell them what it is, they do it about 5 minutes before class starts and are able to complete it…it really burns my biscuits!!  haha, lol.

  • that picture really IS worth a thousand words!

    i’m getting really excited for you guys to come to Kansas. manhattan is a few hours away from Olathe where i live (which you also visited during your A Collision Tour 2 years ago) so me and a couple of friends are going to journey out west to be there! and i want to say thank you for the creative ideas you and the gang have been coming up with… the towels and socks, and also the fun/creative/helpful papers you’ve posted concerning long-term involvement on a local scale. it’s awesome! so thanks for actually doing something about what you believe, and may we all learn to be braver with our lives.

  • 1. Failure to use turn signals

    2.When my coworkers greet people by saying “what can I get for you?” We’re all getting them their drinks. Say “what can WE get for you?” or get their order yourself.

    3. When my coworkers leave the caps off of the milk jugs.

  • Pet Peeve: People who clip their finger nails during church!

  • mrs. crowder is awesome.  i am peeved at people who bring an extra carry-on and take too long to cram it into the overhead bin while a line of people waits behind them.  just bring 1 bag that fits under your seat, do you really need that much stuff during the flight?? 

  • That’s possibly the largest stack of newspapers I’ve ever seen… Reading a story about you on a plane reminds me of the IM chapters of “The Eschatology of Bluegrass”. I laughed a few times :-p. Awesome book by the way. You and Mike (At least, I think he wrote some… Your introduction was extremely confusing but cool at the same time) have some awesome writing skills.

    Less than a month till the Tabernacle concert, and I am pumped! I’ll be there with family and friends in my Collision shirt screaming and singing to whatever you play. I’m trying to memorize Remedy so I’ll know all the words in the new songs.

    Anyways, random Pet peeve? There’s this girl at school that always bumps into me and shoves her way to her locker under mine, apologizing apathetically the whole time. (Did I use that word right? It’s been a long day.) It gets on my nerves like crazy, but I guess I just have to deal with it! Later.

  • This is where I could write forever… random pet peeves… so I’ll just give a few. :)

    The sound of clicking fingernails together

    The way some people eat

    And probably the wierdest one… I hate the way some people yawn. For some reason people in my family tend to make a lot of noise while yawning and when that happens I normally leave the room. (Yes, that’s pretty dramatic.)

  • What are your pet peeves, David? We shared ours… you share too. :)

  • pet peeve: when the driver in front of me can’t figure out what speed they want to go…grrr

    or when people continue through an intersection after the light turns red but don’t go when it turns green (at the next light, silly)

    or when the driver next to me drifts into my lane….yikes (it actually happens a lot)

    or when people merging onto the highway don’t merge but gun it and go oblivious to the actual flow of traffic

    or when people pass you just to squeeze into a rediculously tight space infront of you….one car length ahead of where they came from

    or when there are a million warning signs letting us all know that the left lane (or right lane) is ending SO MERGE!! but the driver next to me seems to think it means gun it and go and maybe you can beat them all to the end of the lane and win!!

    or people who can’t figure out how to work a 4-way stop  

    …..I think I just don’t like to share the road.

  • One, people who say “Lord” over and over and over in their prayers. Like instead of saying “um” in between sentences, they say “Lord” or “God.”

    Also, people following me…maybe “tracking” is a better word. For example, once I went across the street to visit a friend and my housemate text messaged me. When I didn’t write back, she came across the street to look for me (all within the course of about an hour), and after bursting in, she proceeded to plop down uninvited and join us in watching TV. That type of following. Quite irksome.

  • Oh and people who smack when they chew. Forgot that one, haha.

  • LOL! That is so awful. Random pet peeve – when folks mark on me with a pen. 

  • Enjoy your day off in our beautiful city. Check out the library if you get a chance. It’s best around sunset.

    -Vinny aka Aliasunknown

  • Quite the pile… I probably don’t read that much in a whole year

  • i’m really happy that tomorrow is your concert in Manhattan Kansas!!! i’m heading over with two of my friends, both of whom were with me at the Desperation conference in Colorado this summer where you guys played (you signed my friend Katie’s ipod…  ). it’ll be like a reunion!

  • Holy smokes, Batman! It makes me wonder if the stewardess said anything?

    Pet peeve: people who allow their fussy, screaming children to run around the checkout aisles at Wal-Mart (or other parts of the store). And gum chompers, especially in close proximity to my ear (i.e. next to me in church, on a plane, etc.)  

  • Wow.  The picture was WAY better than my mental image.

    My Pet peeve is stoplights that change when there is no one coming from the other direction.


  • LOL, I think I would have used my feet to push them forward. My kids and their friends constantly use the term “whatever” with a pained look on their face and a tone of voice that sort of reminds me of the effect I feel when chalk squeeks on the blackboard.


  • People who break line! After you have been waiting all day.

  • Wow that’s something you don’t hear about every day! How does a good book sound?….Makes you wonder what his job is? ….How inconsiderate though to bring so much PAPER on an airplane. Sheesh.

  • the worst is when they just lean right back into your knees with no warning! I hate that, being that I have long legs…..

  • the concert in Seattle rocked by the way. i was randomly in town walking down the street and BAM saw you guys were playing at the moore theatre. it was 530. i was like well i bet we already missed it. and saw the time and such and was sad. BUT THEN a girl in the line said it was delayed an hour. SO i was right on time. it was crazy how it happened but it was great. (prior to to this we were walking down random streets touring around and were going to go down this one street but i was like… maybe we should go this way. WHICH ended me up at the concert. craziness.)

    anyways… great concert!


  • I was watching TV last night and there was a commercial for the new Simpsons video game.  In the commercial either Bart or Homer gulp down something that gives them more energy.  And that ‘something’ looked very similar to a DC*B Remedy CD.  Just thought you’d like to know.

  • How was Kansas State?  I missed it…had to stay home with my sick little guy.

  • Holy cats! That is a lot of newspaper. Wish I could have made the Denver show. Darn class getting in the way of doing things I actually want to do.

    Random pet peeve – when the spandex clad bikers in my town try to act like both a car AND a pedestrian. Pick one!

  • You know, our good brother in the faith Joel Osteen had a similar experience when his wife Victoria, may she be eternally blessed, was forced to near-violence when confronted by a flight attendant en route to a blessed ski trip to Vail. That flight attendant was about to get downgraded from “your best life now” to “you best recognize right now.” PTL.

  • Dave are you in Chicago already?

    Hit me up and lets get some awesome chicago food together

    I can take you on a “tour” of chicago!!!!!

    i guarantee 10 lb weight gain!!!

  • That is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen. By the way, props for flying coach!

    Pet peeve: that clicking noise made when people use their fingernails to clean their other fingernails. Its a horrible sound equivalent to that of metal scraping on a chalkboard. I shudder to even think about it.

  • that’s definitely a fire hazard

  • It would be amazing if that guy in the picture had a xanga and found this post. HAHA. And how come the flight attendants said nothing? They usually have carts rolling or something.

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